Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Boston Walking!!

Bos has been taking some precarious steps for a bit now, but he's got it down pretty good! This is one of the first times he started taking steps together (sorry it's taken me so long to download it!) Now I'm really in for it, another big kid! Oh and sorry you have to kink your head to watch it :)


Brooke said...

I've been stalking your blog for weeks now, so it's about time I left a comment. There are major advantages to having both kids walking: two free arms!

Skeem's said...

What a big boy!! I love his face, he is pretty proud of himself:) He grew up too fast though

Niederfam said...

YEAH Boston, but watch out, two on the go is TROUBLE!!!!!! :)

Emily said...

i agree with brooke, i have LOVED the past year with two kids walking.

i like your new header! very cute picture.

Rach Williams said...

It was soooo good to see you at Al's baby shower. Your girls are darling and I LOVE your family picture at the very top of your page. You are absolutely wonderful and I hope to see you soon!

Suzy Q said...

OMGosh! He is so adorable! You sound so cute talking to him on the video. :) Well love ya! Give Jesse a hug for me and tell him that he needs to get on blogger someday in his life :) Boys....hahaha


The Hatch Batch said...

Such a cutie pie...and all grown up! I need a bit more time before I have two kids walking:) It was fun to see ya Sat-

Niki said...

That is fun when they start to walk. Also a little scary!

Denise, Walt Bresg said...

OMG - he is so dang cute

Jay and Haley said...

Jennie, he is so cute!! I don't think I've even seen him yet, and look how big he is! Hope things are going well for you guys!!