Tuesday, April 22, 2008

wet your 'Twilight' appetite!

So I've been pretty hesitant on what to think about them making this perfect book into a movie ... but after seeing this video clip I'm feeling that they just might do it justice! I hope you enjoy it! I still think I'm more excited for book 4 in August!!


Addie May said...

yeah, yeah, yeah for TWILIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Skeem's said...

I love it:) that was a good clip, i am still not sold on rosalie??? I am way excited for the book too
love you

jenny said...

so I am in love with those books too infact I have not read a book since High school english and I could not stop reading them it looks awesome it was good to c u we need to do that again

April said...

love it!!! Can't wait to see the movie!!!!